Friday, August 1, 2014

When did it?

Lauren Hill said it best "it could all be so simple." So when did it change? I have seen the struggle of a single mother, of a single father. I have lived through the struggle of a married couple. But somehow each and every adult made ends meet for their children. What seems to be more so eye opening, is looking around and watching the babies make babies, so tell me when did it? The last 22 years seem like a blur so I am not quite sure when exactly I began to view the world through different eyes but it has definitely been mind-boggling.  It makes me wonder. Take the time, close your eyes and just envision the world about 10 years ago.  Look back on who you once saw as a role model.  Think back to what you envisioned to be your dream career.  Do you have it?  Now look at how life is now, are you someone that the younger kids can look up to?  

Watching younger generations talk about how they would like to get rich quick, instead of putting in the hours and breaking a sweat. Watching our great leaders such as Maya Angelou and Nelson Mandela pass away with no one stepping up to lead for generations to come. Education being taken for granted and just seen as a time-waster. So you tell me when did it? The dreams of lawyers and doctors dying out and dreams of being the next rapper or video vixen becoming larger.  Watching the hard work that our ancestors have fought so hard for, just not being appreciated. So when did it? When did we become comfortable with being mediocre? When did we decide that we no longer had anything left to prove. So tell me when did it? 

My goal is not to preach, but to instill some findings into the ones in my generation and those coming after me. When did the complications arise?  When did we stop caring?  I look around and I am disappointed in what I see.  Take a second look around and tell me: What do you see? Are you proud?  We have come such a  long way, why take steps back?  The children are losing inspiration. Tell me, when did it?  When did the ambition stop? When did it?

Life has not always been sweet, I believe all of my readers can attest to that.  But the aspirations to get through the hard times seem to have vanished.  They got lost in transition. The world around me has constantly been changing and I am not sure if I can keep up.  I see men killing each other, with more killed in the cross fire.  What happened to non-violence?  I see women giving away their bodies, for the "better life."  When did giving up morals become a good thing? When did it?  Can anyone answer that question?   

I want to get back to how things were, having role models, and everything being much simpler.  When everyone worked together for a cause.  When everyone understood the importance of the human race and how important it was to fight for the equality of everyone.  When did the battle stop, because everyday I see a different war being fought.  I see the military over seas fighting, but I feel like the biggest war is here in America and that war is far from over. 

This blog is pulling the blind fold off of the very issues standing right infront of us that need to be confronted.  

In the words of Woodrow Wilson: 

"You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world."

So for the record, do the world a favor, SHUT UP and LISTEN!! 

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